Blog Posts
My latest at National Review: The Great California Exodus
What caused and continues to cause the exodus out of California is not tax burden, or regulation, or cost of living, or housing prices.
Unpacking The GameStop-Reddit-RobinHood Story (updated Feb. 2)
On Thursday morning, I was interviewed on the Ben Shapiro show about everything going on in this Gamestop insanity.
My New Podcast - Capital Record
Announcing my new podcast about free enterprise and the defense of capital markets.
My latest at National Review: San Francisco Puts Another Nail in Its Own Coffin
For a city that already faces financial ruin, its newly passed ‘wealth tax’ could not have come at a worse time.
Should You Send Your Kids to College?
I was interviewed by the Epoch Times on the chapter in my book, Crisis of Responsibility, that deals with the failure of higher education.
Writings & Appearances - June 12, 2020
A little update from my corner of the world - lots of fun spreading the word on all the topics I care about ...