My New Podcast - Capital Record


Dear Friends and Readers,I get excited about all endeavors I undertake, but I would be lying if I did not admit to a special sort of excitement about this newest such endeavor.  The Capital Record podcast is here, brought to you by National Review (my passion), for a discussion each week about free enterprise (my passion), in defense of capital markets (my passion).  All the stars have aligned, and I really cannot wait.  Each week I will be interviewing an esteemed guest – economists, thought leaders, business titans, money managers – you get the idea – about all sorts of various aspects of financial markets and the like.  This inaugural edition allowed me to launch with one of the great data analyst economists I have ever met, Kevin Hassett, former chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisors.Please subscribe – put it in your actual feed – and share its existence far and wide!


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