Some Time for Full-Time

So we’re getting into that stretch where the release of my new book feels somewhat close (Feb. 6 is the street date), and with six weeks to go and the holidays in between, we’ve been adding some fun things at the Full-Time book website

I recently was interviewed on the New Founding Podcast where I got to tell my life story about work. I also was interviewed by Pastor Michael Foster on why we should love work at the This is Foster Podcast. I also got to talk to Stuart Varney on Fox Business about what my theology of work teaches me about artificial intelligence. And we found a clip I did for the good folks at World Watch some time back about a creational understanding of work. So all of these clips, along with a sample from the audio book, have all been added to the Full-Time website. Check. It. Out.

The pre-order fun is up and running. Pre-order now, and you will be receiving two bonus episodes of the podcast series we are doing, along with a book discussion guide and an invite to a special live zoom event I will host the week of the book release.

So check out the Full-Time book website, and thank you for being excited with me about my new book, the subject of which is the most exciting thing I could possibly ever write about!


My Speech at the Truist Shareholder Meeting


The Economic Ground on which I Stand