New Silo to my Site - FOOD!

You can see that the newly designed website/blog contains a silo for "Cuisine", which may seem like an odd edition for a guy obsessed with politics and economics ...   The truth is that I do not know if 3 people will read these occasional posts, or 30,000.  I have the USC football section and now the Cuisine section to share a little of my world beyond the ideological.  I do love food, and I am blessed to dine frequently and extravagantly.  Because my business travels (and vacations) bring me to some delightful dining destinations, I figured some people may be interested in the occasional dining review.  So sign up for the feedburner, visit the site, and most importantly, get ready for the best food porn any political blog has ever had to offer.


The New Bahnsen Viewpoint


Obama, Immigration, and the Right