Immigration, Protectionism, and Pat Buchannan

I wish I could express how disappointed I am to have to say the things I say about Pat Buchannan, as I feel he has tremendous talent and virtue in many aspects of policy and socio-political life. He is not an entirely moronic person by any stretch (quite the contrary), and has a firm hold on truth and intelligence (relative to his peers) in dozens of key social and political issues. So, it is only with a spirit of profound disappointment that I must say: When Pat Buchannan talks about the present immigration controversy, I am mortified beyond words at what I hear.I had the misfortune of hearing Buchannan participate in a panel on CNBC today on Larry Kudlow's delightful after-market daily show (background noise in my office). One need no further verification of the fact that even conservative Republicans do not hold a monopoly on truth than hearing the ridiculous venom that famed protectionist, Pat Buchannan, spewed from his mouth. From horrific statements like, "the Mexicans are literally invading our country, and this is worse than a military invasion", to, "Americans apparently will not wake up to the horror of the immigration war until there are no jobs left", I felt like I was listening to some leader from a public employee union, and not a compassionate, intelligent Roman Catholic brother. What he said today is logically consistent with his abhorent view of global economics, but that does not change the sheer horror of what he is truly advocating. The notion that free global competition could hurt our own lazy abilities to sustain ourselves is pure and simple protectionism, and it is counter to all sound free market economics (not to mention that pesky 8th commandment many of us still believe in).As personal mentor of mine, Larry Kudlow, quickly demonstrated, the vast majority of Mexicans who have immigrated to America do so to create a better life for themselves and their family. The availability of social entitlements is a problem, but one that can be remedied. The existence of a criminal element in Mexican immigration is no argument against it, any more so than the existence of white citizen criminals is an argument against the rest of us WASP's being allowed to stay here ... We can throw out the bad element, and still support those that are here to work, keep the laws of the land, and provide for their families.At the end of the day, I do not believe Pat Buchannan is really concerned with the true danger of illegal immigration (Islamo-Fascists making their way in) ... I believe this latest controversy is a simple excuse for him to jump on his favorite hobby-horse - the dangers of other nationalities entering the U.S. job force. Pat's ignorance economically is no excuse for misguided ideology that for many reaks of racism ...A true Christian (and conservative, free market Republican like me) can easily embrace this immigration discussion without throwing all Mexican immigrants in the river. But before any of us open our mouth, I believe we ought to do what Pat Buchannan has failed to do: Take a refresher course in global capitalism, work harder at maintaining a solidly Christian (racially irrelevant) civilization in our own land, and remember the words of the actual Bible when it comes to the sojourner and alien in our land.For me, my business endeavors, and my house - black, red, yellow, and brown are all welcome to play a part: it is the lazy, ignorant, and criminal that have to get out of dodge.Pat better be careful, because if my criteria were to be applied across the nation, he is failing miserably in the middle of those three criteria ...


2006 Wedding Anniversary Edition - 9/10/06


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