France, Israel, and one American Patriot's Comments

There is an old story I am very fond of that goes a little something like this:An American journalist is interviewing a multi, multi, multi American centi-millionaire (I happen to know who it is, but in case I am wrong, will leave it as a generic rich guy) ... The journalist asks this wildly wealthy and successful individual why he continues to work when he is as rich as he is, and says to him, "If I were ever worth $100 million dollars, I would never work again", at which point the subject of the interview replied, "Well, that is why you'll never be worth $100 million dollars."Of course, the true point to that anecdote (and I agree with the centi-millionaire 2,000%), is that a mentality, and underlying philosophy, that is such, will never create the results the person mentions as a hypothetical possibility (short of a winning lottery ticket). All Tony Robbins-esque aside, the mental approach one brings to a task has everything in the world to do with the outcome. This not just psychologically obvious; more importantly, it is Biblical to the core.This segues into the comments I heard from one of my least favorite human beings on the planet in the last several days, Jacques Chirac. Now, I do not dislike Jacques Chirac more than Osama bin Laden (though, I must say, Osama would have a respectable result should the two run against each other for high political office in France). Chirac is not a terrorist, even if sometimes I feel like he plays one on TV. What he is, though, is a socialist and a coward. And I would like to add that his comments I am about to make reference to underlie the reason France is a pitiful joke of a nation in military conflict - their underlying attitude coming in is woefully defeatist. Just like the man pre-committed to never working again once he obtains riches; France will always rely on the good ole USofA to bail them out as long as they hold on to an attitude of appeasement, compromise, cowardice, and surrender.Chirac acknowledged this weekend that he feels Israel is right in the conflict. He almost admitted [the facts] that Israel withdrew from Gaza, yet the violence continued. He knows damn well that Israel withdrew from Lebanon entirely almost seven years ago, yet Hezbollah launches rockets at civilian targets regularly. He knows that the recent conflict was preceded by the kidnapping of two innocent Israeli soldiers. He also is fully aware that missing Israeli soldiers have now been declared dead, with their captors claiming to have "lost the remains". There is not a disagreement on the facts here; there is a nation whose enemies have sworn to "eliminate them from the map of the earth", and there are terrorists who have agreed to leave well enough alone, yet continue the violence and bloodshed on a daily basis (despite astronomical and unnecessary compromises in Gaza and the West Bank on the part of the Israelis).So, Chirac, in the midst of these admissions and mutual understandings, issues a press release calling for the elimination of Hezbollah, and the victory of the persecuted Israeli people, right? No. In perfect Francais form, this socialist sissy pleads with Israel to "show restraint", "pursue diplomacy", and "seek a better understanding of the options". I like those sentiments, when I am in an argument with my wife! When rockets are being launched at 10-year old children, and the sworn enemies of your country are declaring "full-blown war", my suggestion to Chirac is that he save the psycho-babble for some cigarette-smoking, America-hating snob who works 14 hours per week (i.e. his countrymen). This perspective is why they have not won a military battle without American intervention in 300 years (I mean that metaphorically, of course).America is the greatest nation on the planet for a lot of reasons, but one of the reasons 9/11 conspirators, Hollywood alcoholics, dysfunctional Libertarian economists, and mentally retarded college professors are free to bash this great land of ours as openly and frequently as they do is because others have not bought into a French view of foreign policy. Our freedom remains in tact. I pray that Israel maintains the American response to enemies, and not the philosophy of Jacques Chirac.I mildly mock when I see the French labor force rioting over the right to guaranteed income for life (heck, California public union employees do the same thing practically). But I am saddened and disgusted to see someone like Jacques Chirac tell the Israeli people that they ought to sit down and have a cocktail with lunatic terrorists. I am not a foreign leader, but I, too, could play one on TV. And my take is this: if you love liberty, you have to fight for it. Now more than ever. To Israel, my prayers are with you (primarily for your spiritual and national conversion; and for your military win secondarily).To Chirac I say, "assez".


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