Blog Posts
Unpacking Recession Talk
Unpacking Recession Talk.
What are the political and economic realities?
The Bankruptcy of ESG Is Being Exposed
Today's Capital Record episode with guest Aswath Damodoran helps explain the emptiness of ESG.
Latest at National Review: The Well-Deserved Death of ‘Stakeholder Capitalism’
The most dangerous thing creeping around the culture of corporate America is closely related to the most dangerous thing investors constantly do. My two worlds collide, and I wrote all about it.
There’s No Free Lunch: 250 Economic Truths, Is Out.
My new book, There’s No Free Lunch: 250 Economic Truths, is out and is making waves.
My Latest at National Review - Against a Social-Justice Fed
My latest in It will also be in the upcoming print edition. The topic is much more important to every man, woman, and child alive today than they may prima facie think