Voting Guide 2022

This may be one of the easiest voting guides I have ever constructed in all my years voting in California. Here’s why: Every single proposition is a NO vote. Every one. Look, they are almost always NO votes, but usually there are one or two that warrant support. Not this year. Some are downright disgusting (Proposition 1) and some are just too stupid to believe a human being wrote them (Proposition 29), but NONE warrant a yes vote, not a single one.

Statewide, it’s all party voting from Governor to Lt Gov to SoS to Controller to Treasurer to AG to Insurance Commissioner. We will lose all those races, but they all require a Republican candidate vote, period.

Likewise, I would do a party vote for 72nd State Assembly and 36th State Senate. If you have a question about your own State Senate or State Assembly candidates let me know. I generally say “vote party” but in some cases your party’s candidate may be corrupt.

Like, if I voted in Anaheim, I would not want to vote for a Republican if it meant FBI indictments, DOJ arrests, and other scams and scandals linked to “cabals” that sort of leave a stink on your integrity. A Democrat who doesn’t steal is better than a Republican who does.

The only Judge race I want to comment on is Office 30 … Peggy Huang is as good a candidate for a Superior Court judgeship as we will ever see. She deserves your vote.

Lance Christensen is my choice for Superintendent of Public Indoctrination (sorry if I misspelled it), and he is an outstanding person. Pat Bates is the candidate we need in the Orange County Board of Supervisors.

Then we get to Newport Beach’s City Council:

District 1 - Joe Stapleton is what it means to be a “citizen” - he is an earnest volunteer, a servant, a dedicated leader, and someone I first served with on the charter commission many years ago. We have stayed in close touch over the years and I know him to be a selfless and intelligent professional. Our city would be blessed to have him on the council. i can’t say anything negative about his opponent, Tom Miller, because I have never met him, seen him at a single city event, served with him, observed him in any capacity be a part of city or community life, or anything else. He showed up to town five minutes ago and started slandering Joe Stapleton. No thank you. He should apologize, though, even after the election.

District 3 - Erik Weigand. Seriously.

District 4 - Robyn Grant - she is going to be outstanding

District 6 - Lauren Kleiman

And then there is Congress. The race I care most about nationwide on election night 2022 is Scott Baugh running for the United States Congress in CD-47 against incumbent progressive, Katie Porter. Scott is one of my dearest friends, a servant if there ever was one, a devout Christian, and most importantly for this particular task at hand, a reformer of great skill and competence. He is a fighter. He is wise. He is one of those people that I barely think we even deserve, and I beg you to vote for him.

Around the country:

I guess people in PA and GA have to vote for the Republican Senate candidates to sway the majority, but ay yi yi. In Nevada, though, we have a candidate who people should be honored and excited to vote for - Adam Laxalt. And if Adam wins his seat against a corrupt Democrat incumbent, the GOP will re-take the Senate majority. It’s that simple.

Reach out with any other questions unless they are about the water district races. And know this - politics is the fourth most important sphere for impact. The most important is in your mirror, and the second most important is around your dining room table.


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