Some Thoughts During This Pandemic
Though this “Viewpoint” website is most often used for various political or even theological musings from yours truly, and serves as my weekly investment and economic home base, the recent coronavirus pandemic has served to mix up a lot of categories – things that are all at once medical, social, cultural, economic, and even a tad political (though I have opted to view the politics of the moment of the least interesting and least important).The following represents a series of links of recent writings and contributions I have made to the present malaise.
For the latest analysis of financial markets, please visit The Dividend Cafe where I have been writing 2-3 pieces each week.
And I really commend to you this special podcast where I dive into all aspects of the fiscal and monetary stimulus plans with Rich Lowry of National Review.
Recent Appearances
Varney & Co.
Maria Bartiromo's Wall Street
Please reach out to me directly here if you have any questions as our nation proceeds through this profoundly important time. And I assure you, I have a lot more to say when we are on the other side of it. A lot more.