The New and Improved Bahnsen Viewpoint


You may notice that our website has been entirely re-vamped.  The vast majority of legacy content (going back ten years in some cases) is still archived here, but we have set the site to focus on the three areas that seem to dominate the most of the writing on this site:(1) Politics(2) Economics(3) Book Reviews (almost always of books that are about politics or economics)I really need to get a life!  My regular investment writing continues to be domiciled at our Dividend Café web property, and I do a few "higher end" investment writings a month at our Market Epicurean web property.  But the passions I have in the realm of politics and culture will continue to be domiciled here, and we think this new navigation is more user-friendly and cosmetically appealing.Because much of my political writing is being published through National Review Online, and much of the economic writing at Forbes, we have added a spot on this site to find those articles as well.Bottom line - I continue to love writing, and I continue to lack the time to do as much of it as I wish.  But I hope that my various musings on the matters I feel most strongly about, captured here at this web property and distributed via social media all over the world, will prove to be of some value to you.  I always welcome feedback and criticism.And most of all, I love the idea of our thoughts and deeds serving as a moral and intellectual adventure, the prize of which will surely be, a free and virtuous society.


A Day We Will Never Forget


Review of Jesse Eisenger's The Chickensh** Club