A Profound Tension Point for Conservatives


News that Steve Bannon is the latest casualty in the palace intrigue inside the Trump White House dominated the news cycle last Friday and throughout the weekend. The news came off of what many believe (this author included) was the worst week yet for the Trump administration, and that week followed what many believe (this author included) had previously been the worst week yet for the Trump administration. Whether one is in that resolute camp that cannot and will not find fault with anything out of Donald Trump, or in the camp determined to oppose Trump at all opportunities, or in the camp I am in, which has wanted so badly to get behind the policy agenda of the administration, only to be flustered by the president himself time and time again, no one can objectively claim these last two weeks have been good for Trump’s presidency.Read my full article here Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/450675/steve-bannon-firing-trump-white-house-economic-nationalists-need-bombastic  


A Plea to Donald Trump from David Bahnsen


The Biggest Test Yet for President Trump