Bahnsen U Launch - This Saturday

One week from this Saturday, May 21, The Bahnsen Group is launching a program that has been in the works for a long time — Bahnsen U. Our goal is to provide basic, introductory-level lessons in matters of finance — from the vocabulary of investing to the mistakes investors need to avoid. We believe the content will be suitable for those high school age, college age, young adults, older adults, and “very senior” adults. In other words, this isn’t targeted towards an age group, but an investment knowledge level.If you are interested in learning more about introductory matters of being an investor, we would love to have you. Refreshments and lunch will be provided.More info can be found at this link.You are more than welcome to invite any friends or family you would like. A more financially literate society is our aim, and we believe this event and the materials it produces will help advance that aim.For those wondering if we will have materials after the fact, the answer is yes. We plan to spring into an aggressive platform of educational videos and materials to drive our efforts here.


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