When Everyone Else Disappoints, National Review is There


We have seen a flood of rather exceptional pieces come out these last few days on the path forward in the 2016 Presidential election now that Donald Trump has secured the nomination. I plan to release my own piece on the subject early next week, and I do hope it will be useful. In the meantime, I think this piece may be of interest to any of you wondering what to do now that many of your (our) conservative heroes have proven to be frauds, or worse. It is no secret that I consider myself a "National Review kind of conservative", and National Review has published this morning my zealous defense of them. They deserve it. And we need them.http://www.nationalreview.com/article/435060/national-review-donate-conservative-principles


What to do now: Donald Trump and the 2016 Presidential Race


Indefensible by any Other Name