The Hillary Saga Lacks Any Explanation


If you believe that Team Clinton is the cream of the crop, hyper-prepared, hyper-ruthless, "A team" of American political strategists and consultants, and I'm fine believing that, then you have to believe that this email scandal is a way for Hillary to bow out of this "inevitable" race, OR you have to believe something that escapes my limited imagination.

I am not a conspiracy theorist, and in fact loathe those who are.  I also have absolutely no doubt that there were really bad things in the emails that HRC wanted to hide (and likely did just that quite successfully).  No one on either side of the political divide can say with a straight face that this is all benign.  I don't believe the hidden emails say, "let's kill our own ambassador", but I believe there is SOMETHING incriminating in there.  And so do you.  And if you hate my guts and love Hillary, you STILL do.  So for the love of all that is decent and good, can someone explain what she thinks is going to happen here?

You could argue that they are praying for a Monica-situation, where the voters reject perceived overreach from a desperate Republican minority.  But the voters sided with Bill then because 50% of them were cheating on their spouse, and because the stock market was smokin' hot (that is my academic synopsis).  Most regular people have had something bad happen because of an electronic communication gone awry, and it isn't going to sit well that the wicked queen thinks she is above the law.

But that is exactly what she thinks, and the reason she thinks it is because it is totally and completely true.  Scandals follow this creepy family like a hangover follows a bad night of liquid excess.  And as is the case in my dubious simile, at some point people just ought to know better.  

I don't know what else is going to happen here, and I can't imagine why the "A team" thought that presser yesterday would help.  The reality is that she is in a bad situation here, because if 30,000 of the emails weren't self-determined to be unimportant, and she did turn them all over, there would be something there that would end her campaign and therefore lifetime pathological obsession.  With her having destroyed property of the United States taxpayer, the skepticism, cynicism, and distrust cannot be extinguished.

With the Clintons, sometimes it's better just not to know.  


The Real Dilemma Facing the Hillary Campaign


Tim Keller: My Intro and Some Thoughts