The Motives Behind Bad Policy

One thing I have learned from Thomas Sowell over the years is that it is the LEFT that obsesses over the alleged motives of a policy rather than its efficacy.  The thing my conservative friends miss with the childish obsession about Obama's this-and-that is that fundamentally the policies are all that matter.  Sincere and deep love for country followed by idiotic policies is not to be commended any more than a goofball agenda followed by idiotic policies is (case in point: Pat Buchannan). All the talk of Obama as a Marxist Muslim colonialist Kenyan freak can be true or false, or WORSE, he could just be a Harvard Law grad (the scariest thing in this country).  But it all doesn't mean squat beyond "what is he proposing for this country and will it work?".  His policy prescriptions are across the board demonstrably wrong.  So just focus on that, and the results will be meaningful. 


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