Students Who Think and Live Well - A Must Read


I am the beneficiary of an outstanding education, being raised by a Christian philosopher and theologian who valued logic, critical thinking, and the history of thought and ideas. I also am a resident of Newport Beach, California, where roughly 25 years ago this outstanding school I attended )and where my father taught philosophy, theology, and ethics) closed its doors. God has blessed me mightily in my career and professional endeavors, and as I approach the daunting age of FORTY I am more burdened than ever to see a generational blessing come to this Orange County community in the form of a rigorous, worldview-oriented institution of learning and life preparation. God put on my heart nearly twenty years ago the idea of one day planting such a high school in this community. Over the last nine months I have worked tirelessly on this very project, partnering my efforts with a group of men and women who share the vision for such a school in our community. That dream is now becoming a reality.In the fall of 2015 Pacifica Christian High School of Orange County will open their doors. The basic press release can be found here. The temporary basic webpage can be found here. The campus is so extraordinary, and big picture plans so exciting, that I literally cannot wait to publicly release all that is happening in that arena (the bulk of it is done, but with a few details being ironed out I want to wait to release with all due splash and sizzle). We have hired our Head of School. Administrative positions and faculty positions will be diligently pursued, interviewed, vetted, considered, and selected in the months ahead. The campus will be available for tours in the fall of 2014.A very specific and exciting vision that centers around intellectual excellence and Christian service is our aim. We are not merely trying to develop "good" students. We are seeking something beyond a Christianized education. We want to help develop a generation of critical thinkers, of problem solvers, of effective communicators, of spiritual learners, of self-guided achievers, of involved citizens, of collaborative workers, and of quality producers. This is the essence of what it means to think and live well. We want these students to bathe in the grace and truth of the Christian worldview. We do not believe any of these objectives are crowded out by the other ones, and we believe that the implication of such a developed student life is profound for that individual, his or her family, and the culture in which we live.I will share more and more of the vision and mission for Pacifica Christian High School Orange County in the months and years ahead. For now, feel free to read what our partners at Pacifica Christian High School in Santa Monica have done over the last ten years. Innovative, daring, and remarkable, to say the least. God has seen fit to surround this effort with a high caliber of accomplished teachers, administrators, leaders, visionaries, and even character-flawed donor guys like me. =) Email with any questions or comments. We cannot wait for this dream to launch.


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