Voting in California: Better Buckle Down (and a Guide)


Voting in California with expectations for good outcomes is often like rooting for Cal to go to the Rose Bowl - you better not expect to end up happy. But of course, it doesn't always HAVE to be that way, and this year more than most we actually have a legitimate chance to win a few major battles in the cause of saving this state.I believe that this voter guide here represents the very best material out there for California voters when it comes to our statewide ballot initiatives. However, from this last of ballots, NONE sticks out as more important than Proposition 32. Now, Prop 30 must die, or we will be doomed to a surge in job creators leaving the state (as if that isn't happening at a rapid enough pace). But Prop 32 is, to me, the initiative that can FINALLY put an end to the union corruption that is the single, primary, undeniable reason the state is on the abyss it is on. For more information on Prop 32, see this link here.I have believed for some time that California is a goner. I believe the public employee unions are the reason. I want to be wrong. The passage of Proposition 32 will give me reason to believe that there is hope.As for the major statewide offices, they are pretty much a lost cause. The ballots are what we have. Of course, for Congressional races, vote Republican. There are very few contested districts but there are a couple. Feinstein is obviously a shoo-in, which if I were someone from another state it is what I would use to make fun of me for when I travel there ... We are not blessed with a chance to vote out Jerry Brown (but voting down Prop 30 will be a close second). So just vote for Prop 32, against Prop 30, and check out the Lincoln Club voter guide above for the rest. AND PRAY.



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