Weekly Musings - Stanford Edition

It may seem like the reason I am posting my musings after the loss to Stanford is because I have been in mourning all week over the loss. That is not the case. And yes, I really do try to get the musings done by Sunday night each and every weekend. I just simply couldn't get them done last weekend, and then this week has been off-the-chains busy with work. But if I don't put something up now they will not get done as tomorrow is the Cal game ... In a sense, that is my musing for the Stanford week edition: Cal. Because it's all we have right now. Cal. Stanford beat us because we played badly, and in the second half they played well. Stanford did not blow us out worse because their QB is not excellent - yet. He made a couple long runs - one on a third down - that were devastating. But he missed a lot of passes. However, Stanford executed a fantastic defensive game plan, they ran the ball, and they caught USC on a horrendous night out of our own offensive line and quarterback. CLK was right - the defense did play well enough to win. The offense just didn't let them do it.The season is obviously not over, but if the team does not improve we will have more losses. Profound, eh? I am actually not even convinced that Barkley will leave USC without beating Stanford. Think about that one for a few minutes.We do not need to worry about Oregon or Notre Dame or UCLA right now. We need to worry about Cal. Cal looked VERY good on Saturday against Ohio State, and Cal has THREE running backs that may one day be playing Sundays. CLK was fantastic at MMQB. We don't have a lot of depth at O-line. We will make it work. We will improve. We will get leadership in the locker room from our seniors. This team will embody the spirit of fight on. And THAT are my musings for the week. Beat Kal.


Weekly Musings - Cal Edition


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