Weekly Musings - ASU Edition

There are tremendous mixed feelings this week because on one hand I really do have major concerns about my beloved Trojans and what could come of this season. On the other hand, it is one loss, and I think we did a lot of things well. I do believe 9-3 and even 10-2 is still possible (but will not be easy). I only give myself 24 hours to mourn a loss, a lesson Paul Hackett taught me about half of the fall weekends between 1998 and 2000. I have plenty to say about last night's game and the season, so here goes ...In the first half, Barkley just couldn't connect on the passes he needed to connect on. We did not attempt to establish a run FIRST, and it led to forced passes, excellent ASU coverage, and a few cases where Matt just did not make the throws he needed to.The referees were atrocious, but if I say that every conference game it will begin to sound like sour grapes, and it will be the right thing to say every conference game, so I will skip saying it from here on out. These guys should be ashamed of themselves.The late hit situation is a tough thing to work out. One, if not two, of the personal foul calls on T.J. McDonald were just ridiculous, but you can not give the refs three chances to flag you.Barkley's pass to Burfict was one of the great defensive plays you will see all season. It was a future Top 20 NFL first round pick, and he made a huge, big-time play.But even with the really awful first half, Barkley was absolutely on fire that first drive of the second half. And running downhill on the second drive of the second half was Marc Tyler. The Trojans came out FLYING to start off the third quarter, and did an amazing job taking the lead after what was a dead feeling going into halftime. If I said that the Trojans turned a 12 point deficit into a 1 point lead, and then had a 30+ yard punt return from Robey, and then had a 50+ kickoff return that ALMOST went to the house, but said that we would not score for the last 22 minutes of the game, would you believe me?Marc Tyler's turnover when we were headed towards taking a 2-score lead was the turning point of the game. The rocket scientists screaming that Kiffin should apply the same rule to Tyler that he did to D.J. Morgan are, of course, being cute. We can not play without our best running back. Tyler will learn from it. It's over. But USC could be celebrating a 20-point win tonight if that play had not happened. I am not wrong about that.I can and will talk about the turnovers all day, and that was the story of the game. But the defense's tackling was as bad as last year, and that does not bode well for the next segment of the schedule. These guys did not wrap up worth a crap, and if that does not get better it is going to be a long season.The turnovers, though, were just unacceptable. It is no longer a matter of "we have to protect the ball a little better". It is life and death for the immediate state of the program. And along with the turnover crisis is a penalty crisis. This offensive line has a star player in Matt Kalil, but there are things going on that Trojans are just not used to seeing since the aforementioned era of 1998-2000. It HAS to be fixed.It pains me to say it, but we may just have to get used to losing to Arizona State every 12 years. It is hard to beat a team 12 years in a row. I have already marked 2023 on my calendar.I understand that the bandwagon has not been adequately purged after mediocre seasons in 2009 and 2010. I wish that it had been. The amount of jokesters out there posing as Trojans out there need to find some light blue clothing to put on and get off the USC boards. You do not start screaming to fire your coach after one loss, or one disappointing season. Of course, we could let the world be run by these idiots, but then there would be no John McKay or Pete Carroll to talk about. Like I said, they are fraudsters, and they do not deserve to call themselves Trojans.I am very supportive of Coach Lane Kiffin until it becomes undeniably obvious that it is not working. That does not happen in a timeline like this. He is a gifted play-calller and among the best recuiters in all of college football. He has assembled a phenomenal coaching staff. Our issue right now is one of discipline and execution. We need to fix a lot of things, and I am not ruling out the idea that this could be a tough season. But the reality is that this team COULD win a lot of games. We have the skill players to do it. We have the QB to do it. CLK is the guy right now, and I absolutely believe he has the opportunity to carve out a place in Trojan history. I do not know if he will do it or not. Trojans hope that he will. Those that hope he will not can go back to rooting for 99 weeks of free pay.What a boring week around the country! LSU, Oklahoma, and Alabama all predictably good. LSU may be really good. Florida State was more overrated than Clemson was underrated. Did I read correctly that Minnesota lost to North Dakota State? I don't think Dewayne Walker is looking like a good candidate to be UCLA's next coach after New Mexico State's loss to San Jose State. Washington beating Cal is interesting. Oregon is the favorite to win the Pac-12, and I really, really want to see my Trojans beat Stanford. Wisconsin is either total imposters or a legitimate top four team in the country.A 12:30 game against the Wildcats is just what we need to turn this season around. Let's get back to disciplined football - which means not giving it to the other team. Look for Matt to come out firing. This season can still be good. Congrats on a good game, Sun Devils, and I am sorry you don't care about the rest of your schedule. It is a common problem for those who live to beat USC. But you guys deserved this one ... Welcome to LA, UofA - see you Saturday. Fight on.


Weekly Musings - Arizona Edition


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