President Pawlenty?

pawlentyI got to talk with Governor Pawlenty last night for quite a while in the reception that took place for the opening night dinner of the Club for Growth symposium (where he was our keynote speaker).  Could not have been more impressed.  A few tweets I sent during his talk are pasted below.  (By the way, the last Presidential hopeful to speak on the first night of one of the Club for Growth symposiums was Gov. Mark Sanford, one month before he disappeared for a weekend to Argentina; I suspect history will not be repeating itself this time). *****************GREAT answer from Pawlenty to Patriot Act question.Like all sane people,he's for patriot act; knows there's no freedom if we're not secure about 1 hour ago via HootSuite  Pawlenty resume in Minnesota - cut $3bn from budget, enacted pension reform b4 trendy, total Repub elected AND re-elected in blue state about 1 hour ago via HootSuite  Pawlenty wants to require all Congressmen to prepare their own tax returns. about 1 hour ago via HootSuite  "Saying you're pro-job but being anti-business is like being pro-egg but anti-chicken" - Pawlenty. He just hammered Sarbanes-Oxley about 1 hour ago via HootSuite  "I don't question obama's birth certificate; but I question what planet he's from" - Gov. Pawlenty. Good line. about 1 hour ago via HootSuite  "America's place is not to follow China. It is to lead in every category. The good news - we already know how this is done" - Gov. Pawlenty about 2 hours ago via HootSuite   Tim Pawlenty just announced he is running for President of his Rotary Club in Minnesota ... Okay - the jokes have to go, Governor. about 2 hours ago via HootSuite


Day Two of Club for Growth


Gambling with Other People's Money