Capitalism without Virtue is Ultimate Futility

I do not believe I have used my blog yet to promote this event, but I really think everyone should check this out.  It is going to be a tremendous weekend, and is about five weeks away.  I believe that in the present context we find ourselves in it is the single most important topic facing Americans in general, as well as all men and women of faith.I am producing this event with my dear friends at the Center for Cultural Leadership and the Acton Institute.  As you will see from the link above, I will be speaking at our Friday night dinner along with keynote speaker, Dinesh D'Souza.  On Saturday we are blessed to have Andrew Sandlin, Jay Richards, and Father Robert Sirico.  See what I think about Andrew here, Father Sirico here, and Jay Richards here.  Come to think of it, see what I think about Dinesh here.  Most importantly, go register for the conference here.  If you are a student, or want to bring a block of students, email


President Obama Completely Gets it


Government Help for Consumers is Very Expensive