Weekly Musings - UCLA and End of the Year Edition

What a season ...  Ups and downs; highs and lows.  This is still the greatest sport in the history of the world, and I still am the biggest lover of college football in the history of the same.  A few thoughts and comments on this gorgeous December morning ...That first half was sooooo frustrating to watch.  USC dominated up and down the field, yet the score did not reflect it at all.  Two drives that went all the way down the field for a grand total of ZERO points.Straight LOVE for Malcolm Smith. Now he is in the history books as a UCLA killer. Incredible play and turn of momentum.Watching Allen Bradford last night, it is clear as can be to me that his inability to hold onto the ball this season really, really cost us.  What I mean is this: the coaches can obviously not play a guy fumbling the ball the way he was, but my oh my when he holds on to the ball he is capable of being something special.  We were deprived of that weapon this season, but I do not blame the coaches.Love love love the dark uniforms for both teamsThat UCLA quarterback (Brehaut) set a school record with 33 receptions last week against UCLA.  They lost by 80 points.  Ay yi yi.  Do Aikman and McNown know that "Brehaut" set a school record for completions?  Lawsuit?Nobody in the history of the world hates the BCS more than I do.  It is immoral, inefficient, and idiotic (like Keynesian economics).  But the best two teams in the country are playing in the national championship this year. So rah rah for the BcS, right?  No!!!!  The whole point of a post-season is to PLAY IT OUT!!  Getting something "accidentally right" is not commendable; it is pathetic.The UCLA athlete of the week had listed as his hero "Ulysses S. Grant".  If that doesn't tell you all you need to know, I don't know what will.I don't think Matt should have played, but I respect his desire to, and the coaches willingness to play him.  His two picks in the third could have cost us the game, and in a weird sense, the season.  But Matt is a fighter, and I am so so so happy he is coming back next year to represent the cardinal and gold.It would not be right for me to taunt or act like an idiot in the wake of this domination of UCLA.  I very strongly doubt that there will ever be another 12-year period where we beat UCLA 11 times ...  it is nearly mathematically impossible.  But I am not talking trash to say this: The ONLY reason a dip like Rick Neuheisel can keep his job is because of the economic turmoil in California.  That buyout/severance and subsequent new hire would be way outside of our budget as a state.  So Rick will fire Norm Chow, who was hired for the sole reason of trying to throw dirt in USC's eye (didn't seem to go too well, huh?), and he will be back.  And next year, we will play in the Coliseum.  We ready.The Auburn/Alabama game  illustrates why Pete Carroll was a seven-time champion and Nick Saban is not: Alabama was up 21-0 and had the ball on the 4-yard line (4th down).  They kicked a field goal.  Sorry, but that game was over at 28-0.  Not 24-0.  It was just an inexplicable display of graciousness on Saban's part, and it was the genesis of the biggest comeback I have ever seen (from Auburn), and the biggest choke I have ever seen (from Alabama).Everybody not playing Wisconsin in a bowl game this year should be happy.As happy as I am about USC's win over UCLA last night, I do understand the difference between the 10-3 season we all thought we were going to have after the Arizona game, and the 8-5 season we ended up with.  That Oregon State massacre was unforgivable, and the Notre Dame loss will never ever ever be forgotten by this Trojan.  But here is the thing: You are not going to live to see the demise of USC, because it will not happen.  Yes, two losses by one point in the final second of the game were hard to stomach.  Yes, it will be nearly impossible to ever get an eight-year win streak going over Notre Dame again.  Yes, it is difficult to recognize that a certain school in Eugene has (for now) become a better football school.  But have you ever seen a tougher group of kids, and a coaching staff more determined to right the ship?  No, you haven't.  When you look into the heart of courage, you will see the spirit that is troy.  I recommend you haters step off.  You do not want to see what we are about to do.  We ready.Auburn/Oregon is going to be a great game.  I have no preference who wins (actually, Auburn), and I have no idea who will win (actually, Oregon). I will do a bowl season edition of my musings in a few weeks, but I do want to say that it has been a lot of fun writing these again this year.  You all are too kind to read my silly diatribes.  May recruiting season go well for my Trojans, may the NCAA appeal reflect justice and fairness, and may God grant you all a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.


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