My Personal Voting Guide - Make it Yours!

2010 is the most important election of my life (so far), and I say that knowing that us political junkies tend to say that every two years.  But this time it is true.  And I think most people who are sympathetic to the basic worldview I have feel the same way.  There is both a literal and symbolic power that must be demonstrated this election from the "people".  I plan to write another article tomorrow night reminding people that it is all about ObamaCare, which will be my way of saying that out of the plethora of wrongdoings by this Congress and this Presidential administration, nothing even comes close to the health care bill in its audacity and danger.  That bill alone should be creating revolution in the minds of voters.  I suspect that on Tuesday we will see exactly that.With that said, and with a special attention for California voters, here are my 2010 ballot recommendations:- It goes without saying that I am endorsing Carly Fiorina for United States Senator.  Carly has the stuff needed to perform in this job, and even if she didn't, she is not Barbara Boxer.  Barbara Boxer is among the most despicable people to have ever served in the upper chamber, and though I am not overly optimistic, this is the best chance we have had since 1992 to send her home.- I am voting for Meg Whitman for Governor.  She is not a good candidate.  She has not run a good campaign.  And she will find the Governor's mansion to be an awful place to live if she were to win.  But this is textbook "lesser of two evils" voting, and Jerry Brown is just contemptible.- I do not recommend voting for Abel Maldanado for Lt. Governor, despite the "lesser of two evils" argument and the fact that he is a Republican.  This, to me, is punitive, and his betrayal of California taxpayers warrants our rebellion.   wrote in Karen Englund, who will not win, and I feel fine with this.  I think our state can survive no matter who the Lt. Governor is. - Some of the strongest Congressmen in the country are ironically in California.  And if you have a chance to vote for Ed Royce, Darrell Issa, Tom McClintock, or John Campbell, I recommend doing so.- OC Treasurer: I would be all over Shari Freidenrich if I were you. - OC Board of Supervisors: Shawn Nelson is a no-brainer over union friend Harry Sidhu- Okay.  The Propositions.  Most of them are pretty easy (they usually are), but a couple in this cycle warranted extra consideration.  Here goes:Prop. 19 - this is the one ballot initiative where I am on the other side of my friends at the Lincoln Club (where I serve on the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, and chair the Issues Committee).  I agree that this is a pretty poorly-written law, but ultimately, the intent of it is the most important thing to me.  I have never smoked pot one single time in my life - I have no agenda here whatsoever - but the criminalization of marijuana is so obviously failing, I have to support any effort I can find to legalize it.  This is the right thing for our state, and if Bill Buckley were alive, he would agree with me.Prop. 20 - Support.  A very good step in the right directionProp. 21 - Oppose.  No-brainer.Prop. 22 - Support.  Also a no-brainer.  And as a general rule of thumb, if the teacher's unions ever spend money to oppose a proposition, it is probably a good one.Prop. 23 - Support.  An absolute no-brainer.  Economic health depends on this passing.Prop. 24 - Vehemently oppose.  This is a deal-breaker.  If this passes, I may be looking for a realtor in Scottsdale.  Seriously.Prop. 25 -Oppose with every ounce of breath in my body.  Again, a deal-breaker that if passed would guarantee that the steakhouses in Arizona will  be better off.  This is purely an end-around by the unions to raise your taxes.Prop. 26 - This is good law-making.Prop. 27 - Oppose.  They ought to be ashamed of themselves.As far as various local measures are concerned, if there is any new bond issuance whatsoever, vote it down.  If there is any new spending whatsoever, vote it down.  If there is any increase in fees or taxes, vote them down.  I can cut and paste this paragraph into every voter guide I ever draft.Outside of California, it is Toomey over Sestak and Angle over Reid that will keep me up late Tuesday night.  Rubio seems to be a sure thing in Florida, and I am reasonably sure Johnson will win in Wisconsin.  If I were a betting man, I think the GOP picks up 50+ seats in the house, and falls two seats short in the Senate.  If Fiorina beats Boxer, though, I think it means that Republicans cleaned house everywhere.This is not a partisan election for me.  It is ideological.  It is why I don't care that Mike Castle is no unemployed, even though Delaware will go to a Democrat.  We are only confronted with periods like this very rarely in human history.  Now is the time to vote for freedom.  Now is the time to  vote for principle.  Now is the time ton stand at the top of the hill, look at Obama's health plan, stimulus bill, FinReg bill, and cap & trade plans, and scream back: STOP!


It's the ObamaCare, Stupid


Weekly Musings - Bye Week Edition