"Fidelity: Ethics in Unethical Times" Hits the Shelves

A320_8814017 I am very excited to report that the inaugural issue of Fidelity: Ethics in Unethical Times is now available, a hard-hitting journal in the field of cultural and moral thought from the Center for Cultural Leadership.  Yours truly (that's me) has a chapter in the journal entitled Economic Unethics.  But don't let that dissuade you - there are a lot of really good authors as well (John Frame, Jeffery Ventrella, Jennifer Lahl, Norm Shepherd, and Andrew Sandlin, just to name a few.  Print copies are available here.  I am very blessed to have been a part of this inaugural issue, and frankly am very impressed with the meaty and thought-provoking contributions that all the other contributiors provided.


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