Graham Andrew Bahnsen - welcome!!!

Graham Andrew BahnsenGraham Andrew Bahnsen has entered the world, and his mom and dad could not be happier.  June 14 sounds like a pretty good birthday to me!  Mom and baby are good, and his brother and sister have already had an incredible Skype session with him.  These are the most special moments of our lives.Like his brother, Mitchell Gregory Bahnsen, Graham Andrew takes on a middle name that carries a lot of honor and blessing.  Mitchell's grandpa, my late dad, Greg Bahnsen, was a tremendous man - a once in a lifetime gem that the world misses as much as his own family does.  Graham's namesake, Andrew Sandlin, is also such a treasure in my life.  Andrew is more than just a friend to me - he is the Proverbial "one who sticks closer than a brother".  He and I have enjoyed very similar journeys over the last 10-15 years of our lives (ideologically, tactically, spiritually, etc.).  I can not speak for Andrew, but if I did not have him I would have given up a long time ago.  I mean that.  I owe my persistence in this journey to my dear friend, Andrew Sandlin.  To name Graham Andrew Bahnsen after this man who has meant so much to me, and who is such an extraordinary intellect and shepherd, is a thrill for me and Joleen.  I pray that Graham will be the kind of loyal friend that his namesake is, and I pray that Graham will seek to impact this world in a big way.  He has big shoes to fill.  In the meantime, thank you all for your prayers and support.  And thank you, Andrew, for being my friend in this crazy journey.  Let's keep fighting the good fight ...


The Most Dangerous Book I have ever Read


David L. Bahnsen, CFP®, CIMA®