Most Important Races in November

Warning - I will amend and modify this list 16 times (or more) before November 2.  But 24 hours after the completion of Primary Tuesday, I am going on record with the races I am most captivated by this fall (and the races I urge my fellow Americans to be most concerned with, and by fellow Americans I mean - conservatives who care about freedom):(1) Senate race in Nevada - Harry Reid vs. Sharron Angle - This is a very winnable race for Republicans, but will require a great deal of mobilization and organization.  The unions are going to play big here.  But the most sinister Senate Majority Leader in American history should not be taken lightly.  I wish they would let me make the commercials showing his utterance that the war in Iraq was lost and that the surge was a failure.  But strategically, Republicans from the other 49 states need to contribute to this race.  Angle is a good candidate, and the media will come blazing with the story of "extremism" (their code word for all people who they fear politically).  Reid is a disaster for this country, and one whose defeat will guarantee that I will smile on November 2 no matter what else happens around the country.(2) Senate race in Pennsylvania - Pat Toomey vs. Joe Sestak - This is an interesting race featuring two non-incumbents (though Sestak is a sitting Congressman).  It is important because it will be a net gain for the GOP, and it will be a net gain that puts one of the greatest Americans in the country into the United States Senate.  Pat Toomey should run proudly on his record as President at the Club for Growth, which you might have noticed is taking names all over the country in its political potency.  This will be a close race.  Toomey is an outstanding intellect, a courageous leader, and a rare voice for economic literacy in government.(3) Senate race in Florida - Crist vs. Rubio - This race is important because it features an unmitigated dirtbag vs. a future star in the Republican party.  Crist has a slight lead in the polls since breaking his own sacred vow to not run as an independent and deciding to run as an independent.  He is a farce of a candidate, and Rubio is a gem.(4) Governor race in Michigan - Either Hoekstra or Cox vs. Dillon or Bernero - Their primary is not until August, and the nominations for both parties are reasonably up for grabs, but I am including this race because I think the poor people in the state of Michigan have been through enough, and they deserve to know that someone who is not an incompetent fool will be their Governor.  What they ought to do is wait and see who current Governor, Jennifer Granholm endorses (obviously the Democratic nominee), and then vote against that person with every ounce of energy in their body.  Gov. Granholm makes my Governor look like a genius, and frankly, she makes MSNBC look opposed to Obama (I have never once seen a Governor with a greater case of the suck-ups than this gal has when she talks about Obama's agenda for the country).  With complete objectivity, Michigan is in utter disarray.  If the fine people of that state can have the sense to vote the people out of office who have almost ruined their state, perhaps it will represent an exciting sign for things to come around the country.(5) Some statist perposterous cockamamie spending propositions that will inevitably end up on our ballot in California to pad the checking accounts of political consultants and to provide no social good whatsoever while adding unimaginable amounts of debt to California's wretched fiscal state - Okay, maybe this one was sort of a long set-up, and maybe it lacks a certain specificity, but here are a couple things California voters have been able to bet their houses on (before their houses went down 50% in value): (1) There will be a plethora of ballot initiatives asking for bond approval for some spending idea that we can not come close to affording, and (2) They will pass.  If they say the word "school" or "hospital" in them, they will pass by nearly 10 points (cartoonish transportation-type bonds only pass by single digits).  I have a hunch (call me an optimist) that this is the year that California voters actually say NO!  Won't that be impressive?  "Hey, we have a $20 billion budget deficit, the highest unemployment in the country, and a $60 billion unfunded pension liability; maybe we can't afford this."  For those around the country in a state of shock that this could even be controversial, just remember that 2008 was not too long ago, and we were completely insolvent financially, and we proceeded to approve some kind of high speed rail (as a general obligation of the insolvent state of California) that would bring Mickey Mouse to the Golden Gate bridge in less than the time it takes Southwest Airlines to fly there and back five times (or something like that).  I can't make this stuff up.  So basically, I am going to watch carefully to see if the state that has maxed out all its credit cards says no to a fourth flat screen TV or not.  It is a big deal.  And for those of you outside of California, it is a big deal to you too.  Trust me.  You will be paying for it some day. You will note that I do not have Boxer/Fiorina on the list (yet), but I would love to become convinced that this is up for grabs.  I also do not have any Congressional races on the list (yet), but I will.  Those races represent the most important part of the election as it is in those races that voters have a chance to say 'we did not forget about ObamaCare".


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