Well That is a Great Idea Mr. President!

Right as the market opened this morning President Obama called a press conference to address issues pertaining to the U.S. economy. For this President, holding a press conference has been as rare an event as the sunrise. But in this press conference, the President announced plans for a "December economic summit" at the White House wherein he will pull "business leaders, CEO's, policymakers, and global leaders" together to discuss strategies for job creation. What I wouldn't give to be a fly on a wall at that meeting ...But the reason for my writing is not because I want to be at the meeting, per se. I want to help with the guest list. For this is what I will guarantee you is going to happen. Steve Wynn, the bold leader of Wynn Resorts who went on Fox News and expressed utter dismay about what the health care bill meant for job creation, will not be invited. John Mackey, the heroic and Libertarian-minded CEO of Whole Foods, who took the op-ed pages to provide an apologetic for freedom and individual responsibility, will not be invited. In fact, no CEO will be invited whatsoever if they have anything profound or bold to say. Dissent is not going to be encouraged with these Saul Alinsky-loving leftist hypocrites. The criteria for entrance in the Obama-CEO community is very simple: you have to be an intolerable leftist suck-up. Period. We all know what these CEO's would say if they were being remotely honest: Jobs will be created if they lower the corporate tax rate. Jobs will be created if they knock off this asinine nationalized health care initiative. Jobs will be created when government gets its terribly inefficient hands off of big and small business. That should be a short meeting.Will any of the attendees have the moral courage to speak truth to power? I am not holding my breath.


Stanford Depression Edition - 11/15/09


The Fall of the Berlin Wall and the Rise of the Human Spirit