Markets and Musings at

When you log on to the home page of, you are automatically brought to the VIEWPOINT blog, wherein my most recent blog entries appear covering the world of politics, and economic, and other such frivolity (note: there is a special emphasis on Book Reviews in this silo of the site. You can sign up at the "Get Updates Via Email" link right below picture at the top left of the screen. BUT, there are two other silos I wantto draw to your attention: Below the "Viewpoint" selection on the left toolbar is the MUSINGS bar (which wil light up when you run your cursor/mouse over it). Clicking that link brings you to my college football musings - possibly the most important part of what I am doing. You can also sign up to receive the Musings via email. FINALLY, beneath the Musings menu entry on the left tool bar, please check out the MARKETS button, where you can sign up for free, periodic investment commentary from yours truly (my political writing is psychologically-driven venting; the musings are romanticized pontifications about football; but the MARKETS are a holy passion.


David Brooks is Utterly Clueless


The President's Pickle is Purely Political