Re-Pork Card is Out - Some Bums have to go!

I would just as soon lose election-after-election as I would see Republican (read: RINO) Congressman score below 10% in the annual Club for Growth report card on park-barrel spending. But, see the list for yourself, And check out your Congressman to see if you should be embarrassed (as people in Riverside County of Southern California should be by Ken Calvert), or feel ecstatic, as coastal Orange County's John Campbell has warranted (my own Congressman). This Re-Pork Card is a vital tool in benchmarking the performance of our elected leaders, some of which are utter shames and travesties. The usual cast of characters (Blackburn in TN, Pence in IN, Royce in CA, King in IA, Sessions in AL, Bachmann in MN) are utterly reliable, and a stellar tribute to good government, to responsible leadership, and to moral clarity in a day and age where fiscal irresponsibility threatens to ruin the world (no exaggeration intended or needed). I recommend sending this list out. And finally, I recommend that for good conservatives living in areas with bum Republicans, you vote out the incumbent in the primary, or be ready to lose a general election. After all, would it really be a loss??????


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