Obama's First 100 Days
|There is no point in screaming and moaning about the pain and horror that the first 100 days of the Obama administration have produced. America voted for this individual, and there has been very, very little he has done that ought to be a surprise. I am disappointed that he was elected, and disappointed that he lacks a Clintonian pragmatism, but not in the slightest bit surprised at anything he has done. President Obama is a deeply ideological man – the most internationalist of any leader we have ever had, and certainly the most left-of-center. But he was all these things many years ago, and he campaigned as such as well. The American people, armed with the highest voter turnout from the least qualified voters we have ever had, elected him. This is the downside to the form of government we have – sometimes, very ignorant people serve as the majority.I expect the current administration to build off what they have started in their first 100 days with a great deal of drama. They have launched an all-out war on rich people in this country, and it is going to take the bursting of a populist bubble for this war to end. He is a radical pro-choicer, and will mortify moderates on this position by the time he is done. There is not a single iota of nationalism or American exceptionalism anywhere in his being, and he will prove so with his ongoing rhetoric and leadership. I agree with Victor Davis Hanson that from a policy standpoint, he is far more bark than bite when it comes to foreign policy differences with President Bush (someone from the outside watching our interactions with China, India, Iran, North Korea, and Iraq will hardly notice a difference in this administration and the last one, despite the photo ops Obama will pursue). I frankly think he is inconvenienced by foreign entanglements, as his desired legacy and dream is entirely domestic. That big domestic vision President Obama has is the all-out socialization of America’s economic classes. He was educated at the higher ivory tower of the same ideological school most Americans are now educated at (Harvard is just a smarter version of the same left wing crap they teach at Long Beach State): demonization of prosperity, victimization of the have-nots, and the use of statist means to fix these social inequalities. My belief is that TARP and GM and Super-Recession and all these other things are simply accelerants to what he would be advocating anyways: centralized forces attempting to allocate resources and capital in the name of the public good.I am not despondent. No one has convinced me that the DNA of this country has fundamentally reversed. These are dark times, indeed, and I will fight the assault on freedom this administration represents with every ounce of breath in my body. But most serious people are over the hysteria of this guy being some kind of Messiah. He is on planet earth now, and the reality is, our founding fathers are the greatest ally we have against Obama’s evil intents. The separation of powers our nation is founded on represents the only chance we have of diluting his extraordinary and radical agenda. 2010 is going to be a paradigm-shifting election in the freedom movement. I am more determined than I have ever been that conservatives need to be willing, even eager, to lose elections before we put people like Arlen Specter back in office. We will do a generation of good if we can elect genuine conservatives to the House and Senate in 2010. There are winnable races all over the country. Checks and balances need to be restored to American government. But Republican sell-outs (political traitors, if not national traitors), must be repudiated. The Don Youngs and Susan Collins and Ted Stevens of this party need to go, and go away forever. The ideas of conservatives represent the right ideas for this country, and for the cause of freedom and faith. If we entrust losers with these ideas, we deserve to lose. Obama can not make us the party of losers. Only we can do that to ourselves. I think it is time to win.