2007 Arizona Edition - 10/15/07

And we're off, with the first half of the 2007 college football season officially behind us, and the back nine ahead, there is much to focus on, and much to wonder.  Indeed, are we shaping up for the strangest college football season of all time?  Is Boston College predestined to play the University of Southern FLORIDA in the championship game?  Time will tell.  The BcS system is getting as much talk as always, only not in this column ...  I hereby commit to keeping the BcS talk at a 20% (or lower) space level from now, going forward.  Frankly, I would rather talk about Congress than the BcS, as I think I have more respect for the former.  A playoff is coming, and it is going to be a glorious day when we introduce the greatest sport on the planet (college football), to modernity.
I am going to save my USC talk for the end this week, and work my way through the country first ...
- As much as I do grin at the gritty Kentucky Wildcat win over LSU (in triple overtime), it is a little hard to believe that rational people actually think LSU is not one of the top three teams in the country.  I am glad to see that their players did not lose the game, but rather their horse's ass coach, Les Miles, and his inexplicable decision to run four times in the third overtime.  Kentucky's offense showed some vulnerability in LSU's blessed defense (blessed, as in, mostly injury-free, and very good).  However, if LSU played either Ohio State or Boston College or Southern Florida, they would be seven point favorites, and everyone knows it.  A playoff would allow for this, but ... (oops, I only get 20%).
- By the way, Oklahoma's bizarre loss to Colorado notwithstanding, the same should be said about them.  I agree with Corso and Herbstreit - I have watched Oklahoma play, and I am impressed. 
- Can you imagine being a Boston College player who craves media attention?  Essentially, you can't find a sportswriter in Boston who even knows they have a college football team there (and the Celtics season has not even started yet).  Less than 4% of newspaper space is allotted to the Boston College football program, a stat that would devastate me even if I were not a narcissistic football player ...
- There is nothing we can or should do about Ohio State being #1.  Yes, the Big-10 is by far the worst conference in the nation (out of the major conferences, and perhaps including some mid-majors).  Yes, their non-conference schedule even makes the SEC non-conference opponents look good (well, maybe it is a breakeven).  But the bottom line is they are undefeated, and I can't see them losing unless Michigan pulls one out of [a hat] later in the year. 
- I like Southern Florida being undefeated.  In a day and age of jail over-crowding, the other major Florida schools have room to share the fame and reputation.
- Ummmmm, did Joe Paterno really go road rage on a FEMALE student on campus????  Weird story from a coach too selfish to know when to go spend time with his grandkids (and I mean that).
- Congrats to my friend, Jerry Joseph, who said weeks ago that Cal was one ankle aggravation to Longshore away from their first defeat of the season.  He not only nailed that one, he even somehow knew that it would be EXACTLY Cal's second-string QB who would cost them the game.  It is physically impossible for me to feel any emotion for those people in the land of social chaos and civil deterioration, but I have to say that my heart almost went out to that kid.  A gutsy, but mentally retarded, attempt to win the game for them, and all was lost.  That is a very good team up in Berzerkley.
- The wins over Washington State and Nebraska look less and less impressive each week, don't they?
- USC clearly looks like one of the top eight teams in the country, and would likely have beaten the then #1 team in the country had it been a home game for them.  Of course, I am talking about the University of South Carolina.  Seriously, this is a good team, and Spurrier is so far and away the best coach in the SEC, it is like comparing HBO to CBS.
- On to my USC, where I had seriously forgotten that sometimes the Coliseum crowd can be screaming and panting, late in the fourth quarter of a conference game.  We have been spoiled, and it was almost refreshing to be back in the mode of exciting, undetermined games.  We got the win, but much needs to be said.
- A fine line exists between saying, "Injuries are no excuse", and "We shouldn't even bring up injuries".  I will assure my friends around the country that no team in the history of college football has experienced what USC is experiencing right now, and I can prove it.  But, if USC haters want to say, "our first string can beat your second string", I think they likely have earned the prima facie right to say so.  I actually would have even doubted that several months ago.  And frankly, I am still not looking to excuse poor play, or future losses - I believe we CAN run the table.  However, four starting offensive linemen being injured (one a guaranteed top-10 draft pick, and first-team All-American), along with two All-American starting linebackers, along with too many players to count in a secondary, and two starting tailbacks, etc., most certainly warrants discussion.  Expecting the third string cornerback to play like a first stringer is fine, and expecting multiple second and third string offensive guards and tackles to play like first stringers is fine, IF you live in Fantasy-Land.  Along the way, a little maturity and expectation modification is warranted.
- Of course, like Cal, we also played with our second-string QB on Saturday, who has never played anything other than a few garbage-time snaps.  I am not factoring in this injury and substitution, as so many in the Cardinal and Gold actually think he is better than Booty anyways.  This is, of course, completely unsubstantiated by anything on the football field, but I will certainly say this: his run for first down at the end of the game was the gutsiest play I have seen from a QB since Carson Palmer's dive in the end-zone at UCLA in 2002, AND Sanchez, while playing a very unimpressive second and third quarter, showed charisma, energy, passion, and leadership throughout the end of the game.  I suspect the Booty-haters would have said he was Tom Brady no matter what he did, but he didn't do anything to validate their tantrums.  What he did do, though was win a game, and he brings a spark I like.  Legends are made in South Bend, Indiana, and I am very curious to see what Mark does next week!!!
- The hero of the game was not Sanchez, though, but true freshman, Joe McKnight, who electrified the Coliseum for the first time since Reggie Bush did in November of 2005 (we had no close games there last year, or at least no loud ones).  His 45-yard punt return, followed by Sanchez's dime of a pass to Davis, and then followed by McKnight's 59-yard run from scrimmage later in the quarter, essentially were the entirety of the game.  A few less than credible Trojans have made references to Joe having "nine toes out the door", and all I can say is, those nine toes sure ran fast on Saturday!  He is going to have an unbelievable career as a Trojan, and Sark needs to get him more involved in the offense, now.
- It is sad to see the venom embedded in some of the Booty bashing.  Ignorance is tolerable; toxicity is not.  These bashers are guilty of both.  Honest expression of opinions is a good thing; the drama and superlatives the worst of the Booty bashers have stooped to is unbecoming of the cardinal and gold.
- I am mildly amused to see the Kiffin haters of yesteryear now talk about Sark.  I also heard someone yell, "Bring back Norm Chow" on Saturday, and didn't know it worked that way (a guy takes a 250% raise to go to the NFL, and all we have to do is scream for USC people to "bring him back", and voila).  Maturity and football passion do not always mix.  Intelligence and football passion rarely do.  Yes, Chow was a blessing to the program.  Yes, Kiffin made some questionable calls (after an undefeated 2005 season and 16-second loss caused by an inept defense, followed by a Rose Bowl champion 2006 season).  Yes, Sark seems to definitely be struggling to find his way.  But constantly screaming for someone else is what a child does; and it often creates a revolving door that becomes the death knell to college programs (ask Bobby Bowden).  We need to let this offense find their way, and see if our young OC is the guy for the long haul.  I am reiterating my call that Carroll is more equipped to make this call than the people who, by the way, ALSO bashed Chow in 2001.
- While we are one player away from having to convert defensive lineman to play for the O-line, Pac-10 opponents should be aware that Matt Kalil - 6'7", 280 lbs Servite OL is coming next year; AND Matt Meyer a 6'8", 285 lb-er.  Spoke to some guys this weekend that believe they are the second coming.  In the meantime, Sam Baker, please get healthy.
- We all have reason to be concerned and frustrated right now.  In 2003, USC, coming off a disappointing loss, and some less than impressive wins, went into South Bend and opened a can of whoop-ass on the Irish in South Bend.  The rest was history.  This team is not as good, and is injured beyond words, and is struggling to get an identity.  But anything can  happen.  Stay optimistic, Trojans.  Don't be like the people that my friend, Jason Carson, sat with Saturday.  Let's beat the Irish and their repugnant coach.  One game at a time is the best we can hope for.  Frankly, it is the best anyone in the country can hope for. 
Win out, be conference champs, and go to the Rose Bowl.  It is every Trojan's dream.

2007 Notre Dame Edition - 10/21/07


2007 Stanford Upset Edition - 10/8/07