The Islamic Threat is being Overblown, huh?

It was a surreal experience to read Steve Chapman's column today regarding the mountain out of a molehill we are all making this Islamo-terror threat to be. If I were to write a satire of my ideological opponent's position, it would be his column. While Mr. Chapman seems to think that the fact that there has not been an attack on American soil in over six years is proof that Osama is not a serious opponent, I will stick to the position that it is what he did six years ago that best indicates his seriousness. It is the efforts of the many who actually do believe Islamo-fascism is a real threat that have kept another attack from taking place (despite innumerable plots being broken up). His contention that Nazism and Communism were real threats, but that Islamo-terror does not make the list, is cartoonishly odd, if not historically confused. One would think he wrote this article in 1993, after the first attack at the Trade Center (which I presume was not a big deal to Mr. Chapman), and not after 9/11, where more people were killed in one day on American soil than the Nazis and Communists cumulatively killed throughout the entire 20th century on our homeland. The same vigilance that it took to defeat the Nazis and the Communists is required now.Mr. Chapman's position is at least verbally denied, while implicitly accepted, by the Hilary-Obama left. His article would be better suited in a column, so as to leave more space in the magnificent OC Register for Mark Steyn to warn us of the real war America is engaged in.


2007 Washinton Edition - 9/30/07


2007 WSU Edition - 9/23/07